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樊晶, 杨志刚, 郭盛才, 练丽, 徐期瑚
自然保护地的空间分布特征研究是保护地整合优化的重要基础,对于自然保护地体系具有重要意义。文章以广东省6种类型1 359处自然保护地为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析和地理统计模型,采用地理集中指数、不平衡指数、最邻近点指数和核密度估计的方法对广东省自然保护地空间分布特征进行定性和定量分析。结果表明:自然保护区是面积最大的保护地,珠三角地区是自然保护地数量最多的区域;广东省自然保护地总体呈多中心集聚组团分布的格局,3个高密度区分布位于佛山市、东莞市西部和广州市北部。提出建议:利用此次整合优化的契机,进一步优化广东省不同类型自然保护地的空间布局,尝试在珠三角地区布局国家公园。
关键词:   自然保护地;空间分布;体系建设;核密度分析
Spatial Distribution of Guangdong Protected Natural Areas
Fan Jing, Yang Zhigang, GUO Shengcai, Lian Li, Xu Qihu
Forestry Surveying and Designing Institute of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou
The integration and optimization of protected natural areas is an essential part of establishing a protected area system dominated by national parks. Knowledge of the spatial distribution for protected natural areas is the foundation of the system construction of protected natural areas.The paper used nearest neighbor index, geographic concentration index, imbalance index and kernel density estimation to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the spatial distribution pattern of 1 359 protected natural areas affiliated to six categories in Guangdong by GIS spatial analysis and geographic statistical model. The results showed that nature reserve is the largest area and the Pearl river delta is the largest number. The protected natural areas are distributed in an aggregation manner and unevenly distributed. There are 3 high density nature protection area located in Foshan, west of Dongguan and north of Guangzhou. It suggested that optimizing spatial distribution of different types of natural protected areas of Guangdong by the advantage of the opportunity of integration and optimization and trying to layout in Pearl river delta National Park.
Key words:   protected natural areas; spatial distribution; system construction; kernel density estimation